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Today, the Internet erupted with reactions from the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby 5-4 decision. Pride was the word over the weekend. While cities such as Chicago and Seattle were hosting pride parades, members of the LGBT community were reacting to other stories that made national news. This Trending News Monday, in honor of the first National LGBT Pride Month drawing to a close, we’re highlighting the top Pride stories.

Questions Surrounding Same-Sex Marriage in Indiana

Three days; that’s how long same-sex marriage was legal in the State of Indiana. During that time, hundreds of same-sex couples legally wed, but now their marriages hang in uncertainty.

Last Wednesday, June 25, U.S. District Court Judge Richard L. Young cited that Indiana State Law violated the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and thereby Indiana began recognizing same-sex marriage. From BuzzFeed to Twitter feeds, social media conversations centered on Indiana’s legalization of same-sex marriage.

However, not all the feedback was positive; especially feedback at the state level, and Friday afternoon, a federal appeals court issued a stay, putting a hold on Young’s decision.

According to the New Sentential, couples who married may have to wait months before they know if their marriages are valid or void. While the marriages will likely be invalidated, it’s likely they “will eventually be recognized,” reports the New Sentential.

St. Louis Issues Same-Sex Marriage Licenses Despite Missouri Ban

St. Louis, Missouri decided to take measures of marriage out of the state’s hands and into the city’s last week when they issued the first marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Four same-sex couples were issued marriage licenses in St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay’s City Hall Office last Wednesday, the same day Indiana began recognizing same-sex marriages.

No more marriage licenses have been issued in St. Louis, as the city agreed to temporarily stop issuing licenses. With a history of same-sex marriage controversy, Missouri became the first state in the union to ban same-sex marriage. Since then, public opinion has moved from about 30% supporting same-sex marriage to about 50%.

However, Missouri Attorney General Chirs Koster reiterates that although the public opionon has changed, the Missouri Constitution has not, and seeking to get a hold on the State of Missouri, Koster is fighting the legality of the marriage licenses issued last Wednesday.

For more information on the St. Louis same-sex marriages, click here.

Cover Photo Source: Nata Sha /

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