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Blurred Lines: In Today’s Digital Age, Where Does Advertising End and Public Relations Begin?

To the average consumer, advertising and public relations have never really seemed like two distinctly different marketing tools—branded content seems like branded content. After all, advertising and PR share the same goal: engaging and ultimately communicating a message to a target audience. However, industry insiders know the tactics applied to reach that goal have traditionally differed. Advertising works as a more direct medium, providing consumers with entertaining messaging and platforms, while PR operates as a more covert or indirect medium, sometimes seeking out third party opinions to plug a product. However, the line between these two fields is increasingly blurring and many PR firms are coming to resemble full service advertising agencies.

This “blurred lines” effect seemingly results from the increase in digital and social communication techniques over the past several years. Digital and social media represent especially tricky territories for determining where advertising ends and PR begins. Consumers look to social media, websites, blogs and video sharing channels to stay abreast of products, promotions and developments (which is advertising territory). However, everything on social media happens in real time and is a platform for message control (which is PR territory).

Ultimately, PR professionals were prepared to take on these digital changes as they were experts in creating content used to engage consumers, versus advertising agencies who work in the format of 30-to 60-second messaging. When PR professionals take over the digital space, they assume the role of advertisers because they can speak directly to their audience. As a result, many agencies have re-branded themselves as integrated firms that have the ability to both develop their clients’ messages and disseminate those messages to a wide array of audiences. What were once traditional PR agencies are now firms with the ability to provide creative and strategic support for clients.

This blending of industries allows for a more cohesive approach to branding and messaging. When the entire process for creating a campaign comes from the same place, it lessens the chance of inconsistencies, oversights and mistakes. This ultimately allows for better communication with consumers: the goal of both advertising and PR professionals.

An integrated approach is the most effective way to serve client needs. Advertising creates the brand-defining idea and gives consumers the imagery of the product they must own. PR supports the expression of that idea through media and communication channels, guiding brands down the path to create consumer demand.

Advertising and PR should be united, as one works more effectively with the other. Agencies that are large enough to house both an advertising and a public relations department, but small enough where an integrated campaign can be smoothly orchestrated, will give a client the best value.

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